What is a PSLRTA

What is a PSLRTA


Public Sector Labour Relations Transition Act (PSLRTA) occurs when two or more community care agencies merge that are represented by different unions. In this case, Houselink and Mainstay now have one employer and need to select one union.

save-the date

The Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) set a date for the online vote. In this case, the vote will take place on October 13 at 12:00 p.m. until October 14 at 12:00 p.m.


Workers from both community care agencies will make their choice to vote for one union to represent workers at both community care agencies.


After the vote, one employer will represent all involved workers and a new collective agreement will be bargained.

Houselink and Mainstay PSLRTA

Houselink and Mainstay PSLRTA

The vote has been set for Wednesday, October 13, 2021 starting at 12:00 p.m. and going until Thursday, October 14, 2021.

If you or a co-worker you know is not receiving our emails, please have them update their contact information by calling our Member Service Centre at 1-877-672-7348 or by downloading our SEIU Mobile App. You can also quickly and easily complete the contact information form below.

Your union representative, Michael Bryck, and Internal Organizer, Jacqueline Haynes, will be hosting an in-person meeting to answer all your questions. Check below for all the information.

About SEIU Healthcare

About SEIU Healthcare

SEIU Healthcare is a healthcare-only union that has been fighting for frontline workers for more than 70 years. We represent more than 60,000 healthcare workers and have the power to bring your voices and concerns directly to the government. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have led the fight for frontline workers, advocating for your rights and protections. This has led to more than 1,000 workers joining SEIU Healthcare in 2021.

Protect Your Pension

Protect Your Pension



SEIU Healthcare members at Houselink enjoy membership in the Multi-Sector Pension Plan (MSPP). This target defined benefit pension was created by SEIU Healthcare and CUPE for members who work in sectors where it has been challenging, if not impossible, to find a good registered pension plan.

For Houselink workers, a vote for OPSEU is risking your MSPP membership. The last time SEIU Healthcare members were forced to go to OPSEU in a PSLRTA, they were not approved by the plan’s Board of Directors to remain in the MSPP. We do not want that to happen to you. If you become an OPSEU member, there is a risk that you might not be able to continue in the plan.

For Mainstay workers, a vote for SEIU Healthcare is your opportunity to join a pension plan and improve your retirement security.

Your vote for SEIU Healthcare is a vote for retirement security!

SEIU Advantages & What We Do

SEIU Advantages & What We Do

Superior Benefits and Protections

It is important to know that you are not voting for a collective agreement, but for the union you want to represent you. Following the PSLRTA, a new collective agreement will need to be bargained for all workers. However, we believe that SEIU Healthcare’s Houselink collective agreement proves we are the superior choice. Our collective agreements offer better parental leave language, employment insurance top up language, and retirement security language. We are especially proud that our members at Houselink are part of the Multi-Sector Pension Plan. We want Houselink staff to continue to benefit from their membership in this plan, and we cannot wait for Mainstay to also enjoy the benefits of a defined benefit pension plan.

Support When You Need It Most

We have a dedicated WSIB department to help our members when they are forced off work due to workplace illness or injury. Since 2015, we have won almost $10 million in claims for our members.

We encourage you to please join us for lunch on one of the two days below. We will be giving away swag and you can learn all about SEIU Healthcare so you can make an educated decision on what is best for you and your future!

E-Learning Centre & Educational Programs

Our members can access more than 200 free e-learning courses to SEIU Healthcare members and their families. Our courses cover a variety of topics including Microsoft Office, workplace health and safety, basic finance, and more. We also offer great educational programs such as our unique Leadership Academy.

SEIU Savings

SEIU Healthcare members receive exclusive discounts on popular products and services. 100s of deals on cellphone plans, insurance, retail products, mortgage planning program, and much more.


30% off Telus cellphone plans and monthly deals

RBC 40% of home and auto insurance with RBC

SEIU Mobile App

SEIU Healthcare has the best Mobile App in the labour movement.

Our SEIU Mobile App features:

  • Quick and easy Live Chat with your Member Service Centre,
  • Searchable collective agreements right at your fingertips,
  • Important union and local personalized news and updates.

The App is available to anyone to download for free:

apple app store google app store

To learn more about the app, click here.

Join Us To Learn More About SEIU Healthcare

Join Us To Learn More About SEIU Healthcare

Date: October 7, 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.,
Location: Christie Pitts Park,
50 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6G 3K4

Date: October 7, 2021
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.,
Location: Christie Pitts Park,
50 Bloor St W, Toronto, ON M6G 3K4

Christie Pits Park
Christie Pits Park

Alternatively, you can join us on virtual meetings as follows, just click here or on the time below to attend.



Voting Information 

SEIU Healthcare &
Voting Information 

The PSLRTA representation vote will start on Wednesday, October 13 at 12:00 p.m. and conclude on Thursday, October 14 at 12:00 p.m. The vote will be electronic, which means you will need to either vote online or by phone. To vote online, you will need to be able to access your work email.

STEP 1: Access your work email

Log in to your work email using your @hlms.ca account.

STEP 2: Get your PIN

Eligible voters will receive a personal identification number (“PIN”). The PIN is strictly for personal use and must not be shared.

What if I do not receive an email with my PIN?

If you are eligible to vote and do not receive a PIN, or if you cannot access your PIN for any reason, please call the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) Help Desk at 416-434-6748.

STEP 3: Vote for SEIU Healthcare

  • You will have from Wednesday, October 13 at 12:00 p.m. until Thursday, October 14 at 12:00 p.m.

How to vote online:

  • Log in to your email
  • Find the email from the Labour Board and follow the voting instructions. Vote at https://OLRB.simplyvoting.com using your PIN.

Vote by phone:

To vote by telephone, dial 1-877-382-9924 (toll free) and follow the instructions to cast a ballot using your PIN.

But wait, I don’t have my work email password!

If you need to reset your work email password or are having trouble accessing your work email, you can email your Manager of Human Resources, Colleen Vandeyck.

Email: cvandeyck@hmls.ca

Mobile: 647-224-1660

Work Phone: 416-539-0690 ext. 348.

OLRB Help Desk Hours of Operation:


October 13, 2021 – 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (Eastern Time)

October 14, 2021 – 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM (Eastern Time)

Contact Us

Contact Us

If you have any questions, we are always here to help! Please contact your union representative or internal organizer or your Members Service Centre.

Member Service Centre

Member Service Centre

Live Chat

Quickly and easily live chat with an MSC representative on our SEIU Mobile App and/or on our website at www.seiuhealthcare.ca.

Call Back Requests

Need to speak to someone, but can’t wait on hold? Submit a call back request through our Mobile App and we will call you during your selected preferred time of day.


You can send an email to your MSC at msc@seiuhealthcare.ca
and we will email you back!

Call Us

As always, you can call us from Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 1-877-672-7348.

Michael Bryck

Union Representative

(416) 550-0910

Jacqueline Haynes

Internal Organizer

(416) 705-7291

Stay Connected With Us

Stay Connected With Us

Stay Connected With Us

Please complete this brief contact form so you can receive all the important updates during the PSLRTA and learn more about SEIU Healthcare!